To Anoint a King
To Anoint a King, A Poem by Kerry Hasenbalg, (My Prayer for the People)
The trees went out to anoint a king over them, and they said to the olive tree, ‘Reign over us.’ Judges 9:8
Like trees of the field,
We long for a king,
To bind up the wounds
Of our broken wings.
Restorer of breaches,
Power to the meek,
Father of orphans,
It’s wisdom we seek.
Fulfill what concerns us,
Let kindness endure.
Give eyes to see rightly,
And confidence sure.
Defender of widows,
The stranger, the weak,
Pour forth Your spirit,
It’s justice we seek.
Pray for us, Savior,
That we will become
Rooted and grounded
In unbiased love.
We ask for Your power,
To walk in Your ways.
We wait for You, Lord,
Oh Ancient of Days.
Help hearts become tender,
Teach souls to do right,
To sit with the lowly
Who wait in the night.
We’ll dive ‘neath the waves,
As they crash down upon.
When storms do abate,
We’ll rise with the dawn.
Today, we will mourn,
With those who are sad,
And also rejoice,
With those who are glad.
There’s no choice between us;
Yet, leaders we laud.
Help us remember,
We’re one under God.