Kerry Hasenbalg

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Abiding Glory


Dark and barren – circling alone,
In trust, she sets her face like a flint.
Beholding fire of another stone,
She receives of His shining imprint.

Shekinah glory upon on her face,
She rises to impart what’s gathered.
Brave and confident, she takes her place.
Traveling light, she’s never tattered.

Her gravity’s known throughout the earth.
Her growth makes us question who’s sane.
The tides & time don’t question her worth.
Her reflection puts darkness to shame.

What does she have that’s not been given?
Her light being sourced from another.
To give Him glory, she has striven,
Directing to heaven’s own Father.

Apples of Gold, words fitly spoken.
In ebbing, she comforts the mourning
Timidly waning, now less, but not broken.
Diminishing glory, God’s warning.

Unseen by day and diligent by night,
She fulfills her purpose in creation.
Determining seasons with every light,
Each cycle of grace an oblation.

Beholding Glory, BECOMING Light
She teaches true heavenly valor.
Giving me reason, giving me sight,
The MOON – she is my worthy mentor.

*Original Poem by Kerry Hasenbalg, Abiding Glory was originally entitled My Worthy Mentor